How To Bymer Trojan-wininit.exe file virus
What is Bymer Trojan Program?
This trojan virus slows
down the infected computer and can disable the infected user from
viewing other computers in the Network Neighborhood. The original
Trojan is distributed as WININIT.EXE but other virus writers may change
this filename.
How to Clean/Delete the Bymer trojan?
The registry needs to edited to delete this Trojan
1. Click START, RUN
Type REGEDIT and hit ENTER key
2. In the left panel, click the "+" to the left of the following:
3. In the right panel, search for any of the registry key that contains
the data value of bymer.scanner = "%virus path and filename%"
Where %virus path and filename% is the complete path of the Trojan.
4. Make a note of the exact path to the virus, then close Regedit.
5. Restart the Computer in MS-DOS Mode.
6. Delete the file name referenced in Step 3 above
7. Reboot the system
8. Following the information in Steps 1 and 2, open Regedit and proceed to the Run line
In the right window, highlight the registry key that loads the file and
press the DELETE key. Answer YES to delete the entry. Exit the registry.
9. Scan your system with an up-to-date antivirus program and clean any infected files