Introduction to C Language
* Overview of C
* Running C Programs
* Structure of C Programs
* Keywords, Tokens & Identifiers
* Logical & Bitwise Operator
* Special Operator
Datatypes, Operators & Expressions
* Data Types
* Arithmetic & Relation Operator
* Logical & Bitwise Operator
* Special Statements
Input/Output & Control Statements
* Getchar(), gets(), scanf(), Printf()
* Decision Making Statements
* Looping Statements
Array, Strung & Functions
* One Dimensional and two dimensional arrays
* Implementation of arrays
* Declaring and initialization strings
* String Handling Functions
* Category of C Functions
* Nesting of Functions
* Storage Class
Structures & Pointers
* Defining A Structure
* Initializing of Structure
* Accessing Structure Members
* Defining a Pointer
* Initialization a Pointer
* Structure Pointers
* The Course offers a graphic driven navigation menu enabling quick and easy access to the topics covered
* The entire course is systematically planed with well-defined sections to make the learning process simpler
* The voice over explains every step in detail, acting as your virtual instructor
* The practice session at the end of each chapter helps you check how much you have managed to learn from a given chapter and the skill assessment module helps you test your own knowledge