As simple as 123, follow these easy instructions and you will
learn how to put a site down. Its a common activity but its for those
who are not familiar with this.
1. Download NetTools 4.5
2. Install the tool
3. Start NetTools and press: Control + M (Reslove Host-IP)
in this tool you can reslove the ip of a host, example below:
4. Now press: Control + X (HTTP Flooder (DoS))
and fill in the fill in the following:
IP to Flood: IP from host (control + m)
Port: 80 (HTTP)
Connections: 9999 (connect with 9999 connections at the same time)
Now press Start, however almost all the time just 9999 connections
isn't enough sometimes a site needs 49995 (5 times 9999) before its
down, hf.
Its old but some weak sites are easy to put down :D (like school sites)