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Hacking PayPal

Ever wanted a software program you had to buy online? Most of us have
and I will teach you how to do it cheap, and how to not get caught.

The Programs Are:

Mozilla Firefox
Tamper Data (Firefox Addon)
Torbutton (Firefox Addon)

Download all those programs, they can be found easily on google.

First thing first is to find a automatic Paypal system, this is very common among internet paypal sites that sell the warez that are not free.

Once you find something you want, remember the site.

Make a paypal account now, a new one even if you do have a old one, I would prefer to proxy all accounts you make and all accounts you log into just for safety reasons. To do this:

Run Vidalia, Start It
Run Privoxy, it will be in you notification area
Start Mozilla and at the bottom right hand corner you should see Tor Disabled in red letters, meaning you downloaded Torbutton correctly, just click the red letters once and they will turn green saying Tor Enabled, now your anonymized.

Create a account on paypal now, link it to your bank account, or use a Visa Giftcard, which is probably the safest way since I have yet to find a way to register a fake bank account to verify my account so I can use money. If you do find a way to make a fake bank account please tell me, but once someone figures out a safer way to do this step, you are going to have to take a risk of your paypal scam being linked to your bank account.

If the site that has your awesome **** on it requires registration to buy there items, also do this behind the proxy. Once you are logged in (if required) and you see the item you want with that tempting "Add to Cart" button, go to "Tools" and at the very bottom should be your addon Tamper Data. Run this, and click Start Tamper. Now go back to your site and click "Add to Cart" you should recieve popups from Tamper Data that give 3 Options, Tamper, Submit and Abort. Just click Tamper on every single cookie after you click "Add to Cart", because every online store sends the cookie with the info you need at different times. I have seen some that send it at the very end of checking out, so click Tamper on every cookie that you receive, until you see one cookie that stands out with way more parameters than any cookie you have seen so far, unless it was your first cookie of course. The cookie with tons of parameters, will have a parameter named "Amount" and the amount next to it should be the amount you paid in dollars, now just edit this parameter from whatever amount it was previously to 0.01

All the cookies after this can be submitted or you can stop Tamper Data, no cookies after this need to be viewed. Now once you hit whatever button on your site that is equal to Check Out that brings you to Paypal you will see on the Paypal site the amount has changed to 1 penny. Every single automatic service donation site item will now cost you a penny, I use a vista giftcard on my paypal account, so 100 dollars on a gift card is pretty much = to 1000 items you want for 1 penny.

P.S. I could not find any rules on "fraud" so if this is a post against the rules can you refrain from banning me and just delete the post =P

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