Fake Login Pages
Fake login pages that look just like major Email companies. Trick your friends to login and steal their passwords!
5 Fake pages/Admin panel !
Download Link:
# NO HTML understading needed,
# 100% Working { TESTED }
# Sends the victim to the Yahoo`s orignal website after submitting info without displaying any third party page or ads.
# All you have to do is to send the link of your page. (You wont need to edit any html, just upload file to your host)
Go to a site like 110mb.com register yourself there they will provide u with a Website Hosting.
you have been registered go to Ur 110mb Control Panel, in that file
Manager in that there will be a button to upload files.
Upload both the HTML Files and then if the File name was http://yoursitenamehere.110mb./login.html or any thing but when u type your domain in the Web Browser just type your Dpmain/thefilename.html open it ..
The Jobs DONE.
If u want to shorten the Domain just go to www.freedomains.co.nr and find your self a .co.nr Domain and link this Domain to the LOGIN page