How To Activate The Missing dll Files
DLL's (dynamic link library), basically a combination of
executables files that can be used by Windows programs to run properly.
Some time you received a sudden pop-up message "System could not fine
this DLL file" for example binkw32, maxkernl. Normally you received
these types of messages when you installed any new application,
computer driver program and some time due to computer mishandling.
Actually some DLL files are deactivated due to new software's
installation but don't worry you can reactivate these file with the
help of a simple command called Regsvr32.
To activate the
missing dll file go the Start then Run and type here "regsrv32 with
missing dll file name" for example you missed "urlmon.dll" file then
you will type in Run "regsvr32 urlmon.dll" and press Ok button. Your
system will activate this missing file and hopefully you will not get
this missing message again.