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Astrology Prophet Pro 2006

This is considered the No. 1 astrology software today. Astrology Prophet Pro v2.0 is the program, which allows your to view astrological influence on your life, day by day in five main spheres of life. The results are shown in easy to use form of cool colored everyday calendar. It realizes the new and very exact astrology predicting method, developed by our astrologers team, based on calculating transits of all planets hour by hour within any period. The results of calculations are synthesized and shown to user in very easy to use format, divided to 5 life spheres: Love & Sensitiveness; Business, Money & Finance; Health, Job & Career; Home, Family, Realties & Relatives; and Social Round-Up, Life Role, Social Status.

Also it gives an idea of details of each planet influence in every day with the help of easy to understand DetailGraph chart form. You will be able to build the textual interpretation of dayly planet influence. All needed information is included. The main purpose of this program is to give you an exact, clear and very precise information about all the planet influence to your personal life, business, career etc. Such influence, is arranged in easy to use way of daily calendar with color marked strength and positiveness of planet influence.

All caclulations are based on your personal birth time, date and place. So, the results are unique for every man, who is using this program. And you will not be able to find two men with the same day-to-day Astrology Prophet Pro (T) forecast. You will be surprised, how much does this program know about you and your personal life.

You will realize, that most of all your successes and failures as in business, as in personal life are defined by the Planets and Stars influence. In accordance with our tests, Astrology Prophet Pro v2.0 predictions are correct in about 90% cases. You will be able to make your future cognate, i.e. you will know what to wait from fortune as in near future, as in far, in any sphere of your life (business, love, career, etc.)

Astrology Prophet Pro 2006 - Shaify Mehta
Astrology Prophet Pro 2006 -

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