know a lot of people were disappointed by the lack of a decent boot
logo in Vista, so I’ve thrown together a tool that should simplify the
process of creating the new high resolution boot logos! Vista Boot Logo Generator
works of art need to be saved as 24-bit BMPs, and you’ll need to create
them in two sizes: 800×600 and 1024×768. On my machine the boot logo
always defaults to 1024×768, but I assume the 800×600 version
automatically kicks in if your graphics card is rubbish Smile Once
you’ve selected your two images, just click File -> “Save Boot
Screen File As…” and it will generate the logo file. To make the logo
come up during boot, you’ll need to copy the file to the following
folder: Code: %windir%\System32\en-US
You’ll also need
to make sure the /NOGUIBOOT option is enabled in the MSCONFIG tool,
otherwise you’ll only get the old 16 colour boot screen. For full
details, make sure you read the info during setup.